• Who is this man ; Roman JAKOBSON
• He was born in 1896, Moscow And he dead in 1982 in Boston.He was Russian linguist and semiotist. Jakobson was the founder of the structural analysis of language and a key figure in 20th century structuralism. He started the university 1914 with the Department of Slavic studies at Moscow State University. In 1915 he became a founder and leader of Moscow Linguistic Circle and became interested in Edmund Husserl and Ferdinand de Saussure. Under their influence, Jakobson proposed the idea of the analysis of the structure of linguistic phenomena, but not the history of development of idioms and words across time, as in official neogrammarian studies of language.
What did he do after 1920 in Linguistic Area ?
•1920 He became a professor and moved to Prag
•1923 He helped the Prag Linguistic Circle to develop Czech Poems.
•1926 He became vice-president in Prag Lingiustic Circle till 1938.
•1938-1941 He published his books in Norwage “Kinder-sprache”(Child Language) and “Aphasie und allgemeine Lautgesetze” (General Sounds Laws)
His Life in Amerika
•After 41’s, He moved to America and worked as lecturer in Newyork and Harward University until 1958.
•His Linguistic Research, Assessment and Books in America
•Preliminaries to Speech Analysis (with G. Fant and M. Halle,), 1952.
•Closing Statements: Linguistics and Poetics." Thomas A. Sebeok, Style In Language, MIT Press, Cambridge Massachusetts, 1960.
•Selected Writings, VII. Edited by S. Rudy, 113-121, The Hague: Mouton,
•Style in language, Ed. by T. Sebeok, Wiley New York 1960, pp. 350-377
•Essais de linguistique générale. Vol.2, Rapports internes et externes du langage, Les Editions de Minuit Paris 1973
Some Press Companies and Universities also published some writing of him after his death in 1990
•On Language. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Russian Language Project, 1990.
• “Lectures on Sound & Meaning,” in On Language. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1990.
Linguistic Examples in Turkey that influence from Jakobson
•Intralingual translation *“henüz on yedi yaşında (He is seventeen years old yet)” 1881 Ahmet Mithat Efendi (It was translated from Ottoman Turkish to Turkey Turkish with Intralingual approach )
•Intrelingual translation *“kara kitap(black book)” 1990 Orhan Pamuk ( It was translated from Turkish to English with Intrelingual approach)
•The story of Bilge Karasu’s were read by Barış Pirhasan , After He read her scenario , He changed the some parts of scenario and created the new one.(This is an example of Jakobson’s intersemiotic and interlingual approach)
•NOTE!! Jakobson believed that ‘There is not any equal system in the translation between languages. After that speech, he created a new approach such as “untranslatability”. According to Jakobson , Translation is a kind of intersemiotic transposition between literature to cinema,dance, paint and music.
What did he do for communication process?
•He firstly created the six functions of language for we need to communicate. It might be found before Jakobson Hovewer these process tried to explain the situation between Language and Communication.
•Semiotics also were great resource for folklore , People who studies folklore has been influence by Jakobson’s approach.
The six functions of language
•The Referential Function
•Corresponds to the factor of Context and describes a situation, object or mental state. The descriptive statements of the referential function can consist of both definite descriptions and deictic words, for example. "The autumn leaves have all fallen now."
•The Expressive (alternatively called "emotive" or "affective") Function
•Relates to the Addresser and is best exemplified by interjections and other sound changes that do not alter the denotative meaning of an utterance but do add information about the Addresser's (speaker's) internal state, e.g. "Wow, what a view!"
•The Conative Function
•Engages the Addressee directly and is best illustrated by vocatives and imperatives, for example "Tom! Come inside and eat!"
•The Poetic Function
•Focuses on "the message for its own sake" and is the operative function in poetry as well as slogans.
•The Phatic Function
•The Phatic Function is language for the sake of interaction and is therefore associated with the Contact factor. The Phatic Function can be observed in greetings and casual discussions of the weather, particularly with strangers.
•The Metalingual (alternatively called "metalinguistic" or "reflexive") Function :The Metalingual is the use of language (what Jakobson calls "Code") to discuss or describe itself.
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